Final Art / Take Two by Brad Sneed

There are several important and necessary steps I complete before tackling the final “perfect” illustration. Almost always, issues are solved during these preliminary stages. By working through a series of thumbnail sketches, a comprehensive drawing, and perhaps a color sketch, I can approach the final art with confidence. I have a clear vision. Occasionally, despite having laid a good foundation, the building collapses. When I complete a painting that I’m just not happy with, there’s really only one solution; throw it away and start over.

Below, are two versions of the same illustration. The first is… okay. I felt the illustration could be stronger. Can you spot the differences in the second version? The changes are subtle but impactful. For me. the second version is more successful.

Version One

Version One

Version Two

Version Two

Backyard Pond Visitors by Brad Sneed

Our backyard pond attracts all kinds of critters. This summer, it’s been fun watching the dragonflies and damselflies flit, dart, and careen near the water. You have to get close to really appreciate the remarkable variety of form and color that distinguishes species. These amazing insects have inspired a series of illustrations that I will post later. For now, check out these close-up pics my wife and I managed to capture.

Blue Dasher

Twelve-spotted Skimmer

Familiar Bluet