Summer's Siren Song /
My neighborhood is packed with trees --large trees like oaks, maples, sycamores, and lindens. This time of year, the trees are filled with several varieties of cicadas. The male cicadas sing to attract a mate, and as the days shorten, the insects seem desperate. The sound reaches jet engine decibels. It can be... well, annoying. That said, I associate the cicada song with summer, and when the cacophonous buzzing fades, I can't help but be a little sad.
Old Self-Portraits /
My parents recently cleaned out their attic and uncovered a stash of my old artwork, including these two self-portraits from my days as a Kansas University student. I had completely forgotten about them but upon seeing them again after 30 years, memories of those college days rushed back. I brought them home, though I don't know what I'll do with them --probably put them in my attic.
Bird Pattern /
I gathered up all my many bird images and made a repeating pattern! Bird mug, bird iPhone case, bird tote, bird pillow sham, bird coasters,... So many birds on so many products. Check out my Society6 store for a
Bodies In Motion /
Here are sketches of athletes doing their thing. I made sixteen of these during the 2016 summer olympic games. After a few years, I took another look at the images and decided to create large graphic designs based on those tiny pencil sketches.
Playing With Style /
I've been exploring different illustrative styles. Here is a cat portrayed in three distinctive styles.