New Picture Book by Brad Sneed

Cover of my new picture book, Because I’m New. Coming March 15, 2021.

It’s here! Well, not quite. Because I’m New releases March 15, but for now, I’m delighted to share the cover. Look at that cutie pa-toot-ee! It’s a sweet peek at a young family adjusting to the arrival of a new baby. Surprisingly, it’s baby who explains just what to expect.

You may preorder from Raven Bookstore. When you do, not only will you receive a signed book, but also be entered in a drawing for an original color sketch I made while contemplating final art for the story. It’s a 10 x 6.5 inch acrylic ink and watercolor painting. Cheers!

Autumn Leaves Pattern by Brad Sneed

I turned my little watercolor leaf paintings into a repeating pattern. Rather than simply making a casual scatter pattern, I decided to assemble some of the leaves so that they form a shape that winds its way through the design and provides a bit of structure. I think this design would look nice on a table runner, placemats, and napkins.

Autumn Jewels by Brad Sneed

I collected autumn treasure on a recent walk around my neighborhood. The variety of colors and shapes is fascinating to me.

Autumn Leaves 2020.jpg

I was inspired to paint them. I like them as they are —little stand-alone works— but I might explore piecing them together to form a pattern.

Final Art / Take Two by Brad Sneed

There are several important and necessary steps I complete before tackling the final “perfect” illustration. Almost always, issues are solved during these preliminary stages. By working through a series of thumbnail sketches, a comprehensive drawing, and perhaps a color sketch, I can approach the final art with confidence. I have a clear vision. Occasionally, despite having laid a good foundation, the building collapses. When I complete a painting that I’m just not happy with, there’s really only one solution; throw it away and start over.

Below, are two versions of the same illustration. The first is… okay. I felt the illustration could be stronger. Can you spot the differences in the second version? The changes are subtle but impactful. For me. the second version is more successful.

Version One

Version One

Version Two

Version Two